Tuesday, June 24, 2008

NY has the best food

I'm in NY for a food shoot for work. We got in yesterday evening around 7 - as did Jim and Caitlin from Hill who were supposed to arrive around 3. Yikes. There was some rainy/cloudy/stormy weather that delayed and cancelled tons of flights. The 12, 2, 3, and 4 pm US Air shuttles were combined and took off at 5:45, about 15 minutes before our 5 pm flight took off.

Last night we were supposed to go to Salute (italian) for dinner, but because we were late, we pushed that reservation to tonight. Instead we went for Mexican at El Rio Grande, where they make fresh guacamole in front of you. Fabulous. Of course, we finished dinner with some fried ice cream. Hopefully the (short) walk back to the hotel burned off some of the calories from all we ate!

Today for lunch we went over to Chelsea Market and ate at Green Table. http://www.chelseamarket.com/pages/stores/thegreentable.html
They have a great macaroni and cheese dish, which 5 out of 6 of us ordered!

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