Wednesday, June 15, 2011

two kisses for maddy

a few years ago, I found this blog online. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it, but the minute I found it - I couldn't stop reading it. 

It was incredibly sad. This man, so in love with his highschool sweetheart, ready to start a family with her- lost his wife the day after his baby was born. And she was born on my birthday. Maybe that's why I was drawn in in some sense.  

I read all his back log - blogs. I read every new blog. I read about how he was searching for a nanny to go to India w/ him so he could write this book. I read the emails he posted to his editor. I waited for his fantastic pictures of India to surface and to know when his book would be out. 

Finally it was released. I read it in 1.5 days. It was so sad. I cried during the book often, but it was probably 1/10 of the amount of tears he shed living and writing it. 

At the end of the day - somehow, Matt Logelin connects to a variety of readers with his honesty and openness. I love his photos, music choices and writing style. 

Matt came to the Brookline Booksmith for a reading. I had to go. I went alone. Not so odd for me, as I've gone to concerts alone, and other shows. He was funny. He read from his book, and got sad, and choked up. He told anecdotes we would never have known. He was so open with his life, and he seems to be pretty happy in life, despite his devastation. 

I'm glad I went. Glad I listened, and glad he signed my book. 

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