Monday, January 11, 2010

challenge of the week

It's day one of quitting facebook for a week. I haven't thought about it much, but did click on a link in Twitter that started to open Facebook. That does not count as logging in, since a) it was not an intentional click through to facebook, b) I didn't actually log in. As soon as I saw the blue F, I closed quickly. 
Basically - I am addicted to technology. I have constant access to email, texts, blackberry messenger, facebook and twitter. Oh and google reader. I need to be able to sit with my phone and have 5 minutes of free time and NOT check any of these things. So facebook is my first try. I am hoping by the end of the week I will not even think about it. The week off officially started at midnight last night, and runs through midnight of January 17th.

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