Friday, November 16, 2012

Welcome, Weekend!

This week has been non stop at work. So was last week, and the week before. I'm gearing up for some quality time off and can. not. wait! Thanks to the Turkey day Holiday, and a new vaca policy where I need to use up some time before I lose it, I have ALL next week off. WHOOOO HOO! 

Anyway - to kick of the weekend, I did some cleaning at home last night. Kitchen, bathroom, living room and finally -- bedroom. My room was trashed with clothes I had almost worn, an overflowing hanger of scarves and random mail scattered around. I avoided it hardcore (see above: Cleaning the entire apartment first) and gave in around midnight. Two hours after I said I was going to go to bed. (Thanks Mom for instilling the Night Owl gene! ) 

Of course this was now the perfect time to clean out my wardrobe. I ended up with a bag of clothes to donate, which I gave to my roommate Sarah who can donate them at work,  Partners in Health .

Unfortunately - at some point in the evening (12:45a?) I stood up, gathering a bunch of clothes on the floor to put in a bag and smacked my head on the corner of the open sock drawer. I'm honestly surprised it did not start bleeding, and was quick to call it a night after that. 

It is safe to say I need a few days off to relax and try not to hurt myself. T-minus 2 hours til the weekend officially begins with a pizza date w/Scott at Posto! 

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