Sunday, November 14, 2010

Let the Sunshine In

It's no secret, I love the musical HAIR. I may have been a hippie in my past life. After seeing it twice in NY, when it announced the US tour, I got tickets to see it in New Haven with my mom. Some of the cast from the NY show are on tour! Sadly, my fave - Gavin Creel, was not in it, but Paris Remmillard, who played one of the leads, did a great job. The first viewing I had was the best, by far. The people playing Claude, Berger and Sheila had great chemistry and were great to watch. The Sheila in the New Haven tour was less convincing, but still good.

Shiloh getting in the hippie spirit

Paris Remmillard (Claude) and Steel Burkhardt (Berger) 


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